Go to sleep!

How can something that involves no skill be so hard to do.  To get a good night sleep you have to successfully do nothing!  Yet a good night sleep is so hard to get.  One of the things you do need is a good bed and that is where your chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area can help.

Lower back pain: Patients suffering with low back pain (LBP) most often prefer beds that are firmer. One study purported that hard beds should be the first choice for LBP sufferers, but if that did not help, then they should try waterbeds. The recommendation is not that they should sleep on a rock-hard bed, but rather, that they need support. A firmer bed prevents the low back from sinking deeply into the bed and irritating the facet joints. Higher-end luxury beds can provide plenty of support along with comfortable padding, while lower-end discounted beds can provide the firmness, but with less comfort.

Upper back and neck pain: Patients who are suffering from upper back and neck pain often prefer softer or plushier bedding. The plushier cushioning in the bed allows the head and thoracic area to sink into the bed to support the cervical area. A pillow-top mattress, or one with softer foams, padding and quilting, can be a good recommendation. There are also several types of pillows that can provide extra support for the neck.

Arthritis and fibromyalgia: Patients suffering with multiple painful joints often prefer bedding with cushioning that disperses the weight across the greatest body surface. Frequently, such patients also have spinal complaints. Balancing cushioning with proper support for the spine requires a higher-end mattress. Since fibromyalgia is related to stress levels, it also is important to review pre-sleep rituals with patients to help relax them before going to bed.

Stomach sleepers: Sleeping on the stomach in a soft bed can stress the thoracolumbar spine. The weight of the belly and pelvis also compress the bedding. To provide support to the stomach, pelvis and thoracolumbar areas, a firmer mattress is necessary.

Side-lying sleepers: An estimated 73 percent of the population sleeps on its side.  Plush mattresses are often recommended to side-lying sleepers because they provide the best way to maintain the natural shape of the spine and the curves of the hips and shoulders while sleeping. Plush bedding will cradle the body and help disperse the weight of the body across the maximum surface area, instead of creating pressure points at the hips and shoulders. Special pillows also may be necessary to support the neck in a position parallel to the ground.

Seniors: Most seniors grew up sleeping on extremely stiff beds, because that was what manufacturers made at that time. Having slept on firm mattresses their entire lives, many prefer firmer bedding, even if their health conditions indicate that plushier bedding would be better. Some education may be necessary to convince an older person of the need to change mattresses.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588


Why are my muscles hurting?

Muscle pain can be caused by tons of different mechanisms.  The hard thing for patients is when there isn’t a specific cause.  Unfortunately for them the pain is all day and night and they can’t put their finger on why they are having it.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor has some information for you on fibromyalgia.  This is one of the most common causes of those unexplained muscle pains.

Fibromyalgia is typically diagnosed in patients with:

Widespread pain in all 4 quadrants of the body for a minimum of 3 months; and

Tenderness or pain in at least 11 tender points when pressure is applied. These tender points cluster around the neck, shoulder, chest, hip, knee, and elbow regions.

Some fibromyalgia experts say, however, that many people may still have fibromyalgia with fewer than 11 tender points if they have widespread pain and several other common symptoms, including:


Sleep disorders

Chronic headaches

Dizziness or lightheadedness

Cognitive or memory impairment

Malaise and muscle pain after exertion

Jaw pain

Morning stiffness

Menstrual cramping

Irritable bowels

Numbness and tingling sensations

Skin and chemical sensitivities

Correct Diagnosis Is Key

Correct diagnosis of fibromyalgia is very elusive, so if you are diagnosed with the disorder—or suspect that you have it—seek the opinion of more than 1 health care provider. Other conditions may create fibromyalgia—like pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. Ruling other conditions out first is very important.


In addition to clinical evaluation that will assess possible causes of your pain, your doctor may need to order blood work to determine if you have:



Lyme disease

Other rheumatic diseases

Hormonal imbalances

Allergies and nutritional deficiencies

Disorders that cause pain, fatigue, and other fibromyalgia-like symptoms.

If the tests show that you have 1 of these conditions, treatment will focus on addressing that problem first. If your pain is caused by a muscle or joint condition, chiropractic care may help relieve it more effectively than other therapies.

Treatment Alternatives

If no underlying cause for your symptoms can be identified, you may have classic fibromyalgia. The traditional allopathic approach includes a prescription of prednisone, anti-inflammatory agents, antidepressants, sleep medications, and muscle relaxants. These temporarily relieve the symptoms, but they do produce side effects. If you prefer a natural approach, the following suggestions may be helpful:

Studies have shown that a combination of 300 to 600 mg of magnesium per day, along with malic acid, may significantly reduce may significantly reduce the number of tender points and the pain felt at those that remain. B vitamins may also be helpful.

Eating more omega-3 fatty acids and fewer saturated fats has shown promise in fibromyalgia patients. Limit red meat and saturated fats and increase the amounts of omega-3 fatty acids by including fish, flax, and walnut oils in your diet. Fatty acid deficiencies can interfere with the nervous system and brain function, resulting in depression and poor memory and concentration.

Improving the quality of sleep can help reduce fatigue. Watch your caffeine intake, especially before going to bed. Reduce TV and computer time. If you watch TV in the evening, choose relaxing, funny programs instead of programs with violent or disturbing content. Ask your doctor of chiropractic for other natural ways to help you sleep better.

Stress-managing strategies can also help address anxiety or depression issues. Cognitive therapy has been shown helpful in relieving fibromyalgia patients’ negative emotions and depression by changing their perception of themselves and attitudes toward others.

A traditional gym-based or aerobic exercise program may exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms and is not recommended. Instead, yoga, Pilates, or tai chi—which offer mild stretching, relaxation, and breathing techniques—may work better than vigorous exercise.

Studies have shown that acupuncture is another effective, conservative approach to treating fibromyalgia symptoms and many doctors of chiropractic offer this service right in their offices.

Chiropractic care has consistently ranked as one of the therapeutic approaches that offer the most relief for the fibromyalgia patient. Your doctor of chiropractic can also include massage therapy, ultrasound and electrical stimulation in the treatment program, which may help relieve stress, pain, and other symptoms.

Your doctor of chiropractic has the knowledge, training, and expertise to help you understand your problem and, in many cases, to manage it successfully. Remember, however, that the treatment program can be successful only with your active participation. If your doctor of chiropractic feels that he or she cannot help you, you will be directed to another health care provider.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Get off your butt

Sitting seems great and low stress on the low back.  Unfortunately, it adds a completely different stress to the back and it isn’t a better one.  What can happen is all that sitting weakens your core.  Which is never a good idea and your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor has some exercises that will help prevent a weak core.


Basic Core Exercises for Beginners


Easy to learn and perform, Supermans strengthen the often-neglected lower back, a common source of pain. They also provide a great full-body stretch to finish up your workout.

Lie with stomach on ground, arms extended overhead and legs straight

Raise arms and legs as high as possible and hold for five to 10 seconds; keep arms straight and core tight

Slowly lower and repeat for specified reps

Sets/Reps: 3-4×20


Bird Dogs

Assume all-fours position with back flat; look straight ahead

Slowly raise right arm and left leg and hold for five to 10 seconds; keep core right

Slowly lower and perform on opposite site

Repeat for specified reps

Sets/Reps: 3-4×20 each side


Assume plank position with elbows under shoulders, back flat and eyes focused on ground

Keep core tight and hold position for specified time

Sets/Duration: 3-4×60-120 seconds


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Ready, set… Go?

Winter is almost here and with the quarantine we may have let ourselves go a little.  It is never to late to get started!  Now is the time so we can all roll into next summer in shape and hopefully with something to do.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor has a few tips to help you get started.


Question Yourself

What are your goals?

Lose weight… Increase cardio performance…   But if you’re of a certain age or have certain cardiovascular risk factors, you may need to see your physician before beginning a program that involves vigorous (as opposed to moderate) aerobic activity.


Here’s how exercise intensities are typically defined:



Something you can do for about 60 minutes.  Usually included in the 60 minutes is a slow gradual warm up leading to brisk pace.



Name says it all.  Usually after 20 minutes of this type of exercises fatigue starts to set in.  Heart rate and breathing significantly increased.

Are you planning to participate in vigorous activities and are a man over 45 or a woman over 55? You should receive a medical exam first. The same is true for individuals of any age with two or more coronary artery disease risk factors. If you’re unsure if this applies to you, check with your physician.


Now the standard questions you need to ask yourself:

A “yes” to any one of the following questions means you should talk with your doctor, by phone or in person, before you start an exercise program. Explain which questions you answered ‘’yes’’ to and the activities you are planning to pursue.


Have you been told that you have a heart condition and should only participate in physical activity recommended by a doctor?

Do you feel pain (or discomfort) in your chest when you do physical activity? When you are not participating in physical activity? While at rest, do you frequently experience fast, irregular heartbeats or very slow beats?

Do you ever become dizzy and lose your balance, or lose consciousness? Have you fallen more than twice in the past year (no matter what the reason

Do you have a bone or joint problem that could worsen as a result of physical activity? Do you have pain in your legs or buttocks when you walk?

Do you take blood pressure or heart medications?

Do you have any cuts or wounds on your feet that don’t seem to heal?

Have you experienced unexplained weight loss in the past six months?

Are you aware of any reason why you should not participate in physical activity?

If you answered “no” to all of these questions, and you passed the first round of questions, you can be reasonably sure that you can safely take part in at least a moderate-intensity physical-activity program.

But again, if you are a man over 45 or a woman over 55 and want to exercise more vigorously, you should check with your physician before getting started.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Keep your back loose to prevent injuries

As your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I see two common low back injuries.  One is I did “This” and Bam my back went out, the other one is I have no clue what happened and my back went out.  The I don’t know type has become more common due to changes in daily activities and more desk sitting.  The I don’t know injury is usually a result of your back getting tighter over time than just one small move the wrong way and your back goes out.


Here are some daily stretches you can do to keep your back stretched and relaxed so the muscles function correctly.

  1. The Deep Squat

Stand up straight with your arms folded across your chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing out slightly.  Squat down as far as you can, keeping your heels on the floor. As you squat ensure your weight goes into your heels and not your toes. For a full range of movement, your bum should sit down by your heels and your head should be tall and looking forward. Perform the exercise slowly when lowering down, giving yourself time to keep control and lower all the way – or as far as your range of movement will allow.  Pause for a count of two at the bottom of the squat, allowing your groin area to relax. Your knees should be directed slightly outwards in alignment with your feet. Keeping your knees out, squeeze your gluteals and stand up out of the squat.  Only go as far as you can without any pain. As you perform the exercise regularly you will slowly but surely be able to achieve greater flexibility.  Do this for 2 sets of 10.

  1. Knee to Chest

Lie on your back, flex your knees up and do a pelvic tilt so you press your lower back flat to the floor.  Slowly and gently pull your right knee to your chest at a slight angle towards your left shoulder.  Hold for 5 seconds and release back to the bent position.  Then repeat with the opposite leg.  Do this 10 times in alternating fashion

  1. Downward Dog

Place your hands and feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart, knees bent and hips high.  Your heels should be off the floor at this point. Relax your head and neck so you are looking towards your knees.  Do a pelvic tilt so your lower back is arched and your spine is straight.  Now straighten your arms and pull your shoulder blades together. Straighten your knees as well.    You may lose the arch in your low back but don’t allow your lumbar spine to flex.  This will require a good abdominal squeeze to maintain the lumbar arch.  Hold for 30 seconds and relax.  Repeat 5 times.

  1. Spine twists

Sit down with your legs loosely crossed. Pull your back up tall and stick your chest out so that you are sitting upright with perfect posture. Fold your arms across your chest.  Tighten your abs so that your pelvis is stable. Then slowly turn your head and shoulders to one side. Turn as far as you can and you will feel the stretch in the rib area. Hold the end position for a count of two and then turn across to the other side and repeat.  Perform two sets of 10 repetitions each side.

Do not force any of these exercises and if you feel any discomfort stop.  Keeping your low back stretched will help you prevent some low back injuries but routine chiropractic visits with these stretches can help prevent the big injuries.  Of course injuries are inevitable but if your try to prevent the preventable ones you can eliminate a lot of pain from your life.



Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map link

The other type of inflammation!

Inflammation in your joints causes most of the problems I see as your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area.  That can be treated with an adjustment and ice.  Unfortunately, that can’t help all the inflammation we deal with that isn’t joint related.  Making some dietary changes can help you deal with inflammation that isn’t joint related.

Your immune system attacks anything in your body that it recognizes as foreign—such as an invading microbe, plant pollen, or chemical. The process is called inflammation. Intermittent bouts of inflammation directed at truly threatening invaders protect your health.

However, sometimes inflammation persists, day in and day out, even when you are not threatened by a foreign invader. That’s when inflammation can become your enemy. Many major diseases that plague us—including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer’s—have been linked to chronic inflammation.

One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store. “Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory effects,” says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Choose the right foods, and you may be able to reduce your risk of illness. Consistently pick the wrong ones, and you could accelerate the inflammatory disease process.


Foods that inflame

Try to avoid or limit these foods as much as possible:

refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries

French fries and other fried foods

soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages

red meat (burgers, steaks) and processed meat (hot dogs, sausage)

margarine, shortening, and lard


Inflammation-promoting foods

Not surprisingly, the same foods that contribute to inflammation are generally considered bad for our health, including sodas and refined carbohydrates, as well as red meat and processed meats.

“Some of the foods that have been associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease are also associated with excess inflammation,” Dr. Hu says. “It’s not surprising, since inflammation is an important underlying mechanism for the development of these diseases.”


Unhealthy foods also contribute to weight gain, which is itself a risk factor for inflammation. Yet in several studies, even after researchers took obesity into account, the link between foods and inflammation remained, which suggests weight gain isn’t the sole driver. “Some of the food components or ingredients may have independent effects on inflammation over and above increased caloric intake,” Dr. Hu says.


Foods that combat inflammation

Include plenty of these anti-inflammatory foods in your diet:


olive oil

green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards

nuts like almonds and walnuts

fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines

fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges


Anti-inflammation foods

On the flip side are foods and beverages that have been found to reduce the risk of inflammation, and with it, chronic disease, says Dr. Hu. He notes in particular fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, apples, and leafy greens that are high in natural antioxidants and polyphenols—protective compounds found in plants.

Studies have also associated nuts with reduced markers of inflammation and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Coffee, which contains polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory compounds, may protect against inflammation, as well.

Anti-inflammatory eating

To reduce levels of inflammation, aim for an overall healthy diet. If you’re looking for an eating plan that closely follows the tenets of anti-inflammatory eating, consider the Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils.

In addition to lowering inflammation, a more natural, less processed diet can have noticeable effects on your physical and emotional health. “A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving mood and overall quality of life,” Dr. Hu says.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link


Feeling Dizzy!

Vertigo is definitely associated with an ear infection or and ear problem.  But it could also be a reason to see your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor.  Not because I can help your ear infection but because it could be coming from your upper neck.  So, if your ear has improved but your dizziness hasn’t it may be a good time to give us a call.

When someone experiences dizziness, also called vertigo, the whole world seems to spin out of control with the nearest solid object becoming a lifesaver.  Vertigo is a common complaint, especially after head and neck trauma. It may come from problems in the inner ear, or from disturbances in pathways in the nervous system.  The experience can be impact your whole world, causing nausea, vomiting, and sweating.

If you are having trouble with vertigo, your chiropractor may be able to help. In a recent report in Livestrong, chiropractic solutions are outlined.  Chiropractic manipulation can help solve vertigo:  “Your chiropractor will use manipulation targeting joints that are not moving properly. In the upper neck, faulty motion patterns create misinformation about body position and movement going from the joints to the brain. This type of vertigo, called cervicogenic vertigo, can be helped by chiropractic manipulation.”

Positioning Maneuvers: The inner ear houses the body’s true balance center, the vestibulocochlear system. This complex system of fluid-filled tubes lined with hair-like sensors provides information to the central nervous system about position and movement. In some individuals, debris may accumulate in there. If this debris settles on sensitive areas within the tubes, it may result in vertigo.

If the patient’s vertigo appears to be coming from the inner ear, a chiropractor may use the Epley Maneuver to reposition the debris to a more innocuous position.

Your chiropractor will have exercises to help too.  Exercises like the Brandt-Daroff technique have the person sit on the edge of a bed and flop first to one side, back upright, then to the other side at one-minute intervals. Tai chi exercise may also help as slow, controlled movements provide a safe way to focus on your body movements and balance.

Your chiropractor will discuss your diet and daily habits to pinpoint other reasons for vertigo. Tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and other substances that stimulate or depress the nervous system may become triggers. And non-prescription sleeping pills or antihistamines can spark dizziness. Your chiropractor may also suggest meditation, relaxation, or breathing techniques to regain control.

As you pursue diet, new daily habits, and relaxation techniques, be sure to discuss changes with your doctor to complete your health picture.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Home office pain in the neck!

As your chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I am seeing tons of this complaint due to working from home.  Sitting at a desk is almost never ideal.  Sure you can get a $1000 chair, a standing desk option and headset but that is still it isn’t perfect.  Now that people are working from their kitchen tables or that crappy home office with chair they found on craigslist, this complaint is much more common.

If you’re like the millions of people who use electronic tools such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop or desk computer, you’ve probably spent hours upon hours looking at the screen with your head jutted forward. Other situations that might have you holding your head forward of your shoulders include reading books, significant time behind the steering wheel or watching TV. Whatever the cause, the migration of your head to this forward position can ultimately lead to overactive muscles and a complementing set of underactive muscles. This postural distortion pattern, known as upper crossed syndrome (UCS), can result in imbalances of muscle tone or timing, often leading to poor movement patterns, and in this tech heavy society, increased stress on the head, neck and shoulder joints.

Poor posture at any level may lead to muscle imbalances. This can have a trickle-down effect into the rest of the body, not just in the local areas of the neck and shoulders. An associated sequence of muscle imbalances in the hip region, referred to as lower crossed syndrome, can oftentimes be observed in conjunction with upper crossed syndrome. When looking for long-term success in relieving UCS, identifying and addressing postural issues that could exist elsewhere in the body will also be needed. This total-body approach will relieve tensions through the entire kinetic chain, while also enhancing desired results.

Crossed and Countercrossed

The “crossed” in upper crossed syndrome refers to the crossing pattern of the overactive muscles with the countercrossing of the underactive muscles. When viewed from the side, an X pattern can be drawn for these two sets of muscles. The overactive muscles form a diagonal pattern from the posterior neck with the upper trapezius and levators down and across to the anterior neck and shoulder with the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and pectoralis major. The other side of the X now depicts the underactive muscles, with the deep cervical flexors down toward the mid/lower trapezius, rhomboids and serratus anterior. As we continually assume the seated, forward head postures driven by electronic devices or poor exercise selection and technique, this X pattern of muscle imbalances will increase.

Identify Imbalances

When working with clients or performing your own workout routine, attaining and maintaining ideal posture is paramount to a safe and effective program. In order to address postural or movement imbalances, the less-than-ideal posture has to be identified and a corrective exercise strategy developed. This corrective program can have two applications. First, it can serve as a stand-alone phase of training that will help the client achieve better postural control and endurance. Second, it can be applied as the movement preparation for a workout. In the first application, the client may be in a post-rehabilitation situation and need a program that incorporates flexibility with local and integrated strengthening. The second application will most likely be for the client looking to move better and improve coordination before applying speed and increased force during their workout session.

The first step to improving any postural distortion pattern is being able to identify the condition. Upper crossed syndrome can be observed from different vantage points with different motions. Some basic assessments that can be implemented to identify distortion patterns are gait observations, overhead squat, pushing and pulling motions, and static posture analysis. With any postural assessment—static, dynamic or transitional—UCS can be observed by watching head position relative to the shoulders, and the arms and shoulder blades relative to the ribs.

By using the landmarks of the ears, shoulders and the glenohumeral (GH) joint, a static posture assessment can identify UCS by observing if the ears are forward of the shoulder. You might even say that this person is slouching.

Observations for the shoulder blade and the upper arm can be seen from the front and side views with the overhead squat, pushing (pushup) and pulling (cable row) motions. The movements to note during an overhead squat assessment for possible signs of UCS include

    • Arms falling forward or to side during the descent
    • Head migrating forward
  • Elevating or elevated shoulder blades
  • Elbows flexed or challenged in keeping arms straight

Depending on the extent of the distortion, someone may exhibit one or more of the listed movement compensations. Combining the different assessments can also confirm findings. This helps in prioritizing the corrective strategies during program design.  Call Doroski Chiropractic to have this problem evaluated and to get some possible home exercises to help it go away.



Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Knee pain and kids

Joint pain is kind of my business.  As your chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area a popular joint complaint I see is knee pain.  Lots of parents mention their child has knee pain that isn’t related to any type of injury.  Often called growing pain but the real term is Osgood Schlatters disease.  It is a pretty fancy name for it that you can use to impress others.


Symptoms of Osgood Schlatters disease typically consist of pain at the tibial tuberosity or bony bit at the top of the shin. The tibial tuberosity may become swollen or inflamed and may even become more prominent than normal. Tenderness and pain is worse during and after exercise but usually improves with rest. The athlete is likely to experience pain when contracting the quadriceps muscles or performing squat type exercises.


Osgood Schlatter syndrome is primarily an over use injury although certain factors can increase the likelihood of sustaining this condition.

Age – It is more likely to affect boys aged around 13 to 15 years old than girls, although girls certainly can be affected and if they are it is more likely to occur earlier at about aged 10 to 12 years old. it is often put down to growing pains in knees. Obviously this is a general guide and ages can vary. It occurs due to a period of rapid growth, combined with a high level of sporting activity. Osgood Schlatter in adults can occur, especially if it has not been looked after during teenage years but is more unusual.

Activity – As the young athletes bones grow quickly, it can take some time for the muscles and tendons to catch up. These changes result in a pulling force from the patella tendon, on to the tibial tuberosity at the top of the shin. This area then becomes inflamed, painful and swollen. This is frequent in younger people because their bones are still soft and are not yet fully grown. It is seen more often in children involved with running and jumping activities which put a much greater strain on the patella tendon.

Osgood Schlatter Treatment

Treatment for Osgood Schlatters disease consists of reducing pain and inflammation by applying the PRICE principles of protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation along with longer term managing the condition through training modification and educating the athlete or parent until the young athlete grows out of it.

Apply a cold therapy and compression wrap to the knee regularly throughout the day to reduce pain and inflammation and particularly following activity or sport. Ice should be applied at least three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. If it is particularly painful then ice can be applied for 10 minutes every hour. Ice massage with an ice cube is also a convenient way to apply cold therapy to a specific area such as the patella tendon. Keep the ice moving as applying directly to the skin can cause ice burns.

Rest is the most important element of treatment. Only do as much exercise as it will allow without causing pain. Weight bearing exercise will make Osgood Schlatters disease worse. Keep your sessions few and high quality rather than training every day.

Use a patella knee strap or patella tendon taping technique to help reduce the tension on and support the knee. A patella strap or taping can absorb some of the shock or impact and change the angle the forces are transmitted through the tendon.

A Doctor may prescribe NSAID’s or anti inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen to help reduce pain and inflammation, although this is not good to rely on long term, or mask how bad the condition actually is. Athletes with asthma should not take Ibuprofen.

Once normal daily activities are pain free then gentle stretching exercises may be beneficial along with massage for the quadriceps muscles and myofascial release techniques to help stretch the muscles can help ensure they are strong enough to cope with the loads placed on them as well as not being too tight.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Packing on a few!

Once we make it to middle age putting on weight becomes easier and easier.  At the same time low back pain becomes more common.  Sometimes the low back pain was coming no matter what and sometimes it is a factor of the weight gain.  So, it is a factor but just how much.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor has some information that sheds some light on it.

According to the American Obesity Association, episodes of musculoskeletal pain, and specifically back pain, are prevalent among the nearly one-third of Americans who are classified as obese.  The American Obesity Association also reports that more obese persons say they are disabled and less able to complete everyday activities than persons with other chronic conditions.

Some of the most common obesity-related problems include musculoskeletal and joint related pain.  For people who are overweight, attention to overall weight loss is important as every pound adds strain to the muscles and ligaments in the back.  In order to compensate for extra weight, the spine can become tilted and stressed unevenly. As a result, over time, the back may lose its proper support and an unnatural curvature of the spine may develop.

In particular, pain and problems in the low back may be aggravated by obesity. This occurs for people with extra weight in their stomachs because the excess weight pulls the pelvis forward and strains the lower back, creating lower back pain. According to the American Obesity Association, women who are obese or who have a large waist size are particularly at risk for lower back pain.

Obese or overweight patients may experience sciatica and low back pain from a herniated disc. This occurs when discs and other spinal structures are damaged from having to compensate for the pressure of extra weight on the back.

In addition, pinched nerves and piriformis syndrome may result when extra weight is pushed into spaces between bones in the low back area.

Arthritis of the spine that causes back pain may be aggravated when extra body weight strains joints. Those patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of greater than 25 are more likely to develop osteoarthritis than those with a lower BMI. The American Obesity Association recommends modest weight loss as a treatment for some types of osteoarthritis.

The effectiveness of back surgery may also be affected by a patient’s weight. Obese patients are at higher risk for complications and infections after surgery compared to patients who are not obese. For seriously overweight patients, paying attention to weight loss before undergoing back surgery may improve the healing process after surgery.

Identifying the Need for Weight Loss

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure commonly used by medical practitioners. BMI is a mathematical formula (BMI=kg/m2) that takes into account a person’s weight in kilograms and height in meters and calculates a number. The higher a person’s BMI falls on a pre-determined range of values, the higher the likelihood for obesity.  Although there is some debate over the specific meaning of BMI measurements, a BMI of 30 or higher is typically considered to be obese, while a measure of 25 to 29.9 is typically considered to be overweight.

It is also important to evaluate where excess fat is carried on the patient’s body. Patients who carry more weight around their midsection are at greater risk for obesity-related health problems, such as low back pain. Weight loss for health considerations is often advisable for women with a waist measurement of more than 35 inches or men with a waist measurement of more than 40 inches.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link