Dale City VA Chiropractors

Managing Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common things for people to see a Doctor.  As your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area this works out pretty good for me.  Just kidding…  But there are some tings you can do to prevent the low back pain.  One of the best things you can do is stretch.  And stay hydrated.

Here are some daily stretches you can do to keep your back stretched and relaxed so the muscles function correctly.

  1. The Deep Squat

Stand up straight with your arms folded across your chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing out slightly.  Squat down as far as you can, keeping your heels on the floor. As you squat ensure your weight goes into your heels and not your toes. For a full range of movement, your bum should sit down by your heels and your head should be tall and looking forward. Perform the exercise slowly when lowering down, giving yourself time to keep control and lower all the way – or as far as your range of movement will allow.  Pause for a count of two at the bottom of the squat, allowing your groin area to relax. Your knees should be directed slightly outwards in alignment with your feet. Keeping your knees out, squeeze your gluteals and stand up out of the squat.  Only go as far as you can without any pain. As you perform the exercise regularly you will slowly but surely be able to achieve greater flexibility.  Do this for 2 sets of 10.


  1. Knee to Chest

Lie on your back, flex your knees up and do a pelvic tilt so you press your lower back flat to the floor.  Slowly and gently pull your right knee to your chest at a slight angle towards your left shoulder.  Hold for 5 seconds and release back to the bent position.  Then repeat with the opposite leg.  Do this 10 times in alternating fashion

  1. Downward Dog

Place your hands and feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart, knees bent and hips high.  Your heels should be off the floor at this point. Relax your head and neck so you are looking towards your knees.  Do a pelvic tilt so your lower back is arched and your spine is straight.  Now straighten your arms and pull your shoulder blades together. Straighten your knees as well.    You may lose the arch in your low back but don’t allow your lumbar spine to flex.  This will require a good abdominal squeeze to maintain the lumbar arch.  Hold for 30 seconds and relax.  Repeat 5 times.

  1. Spine twists

Sit down with your legs loosely crossed. Pull your back up tall and stick your chest out so that you are sitting upright with perfect posture. Fold your arms across your chest.  Tighten your abs so that your pelvis is stable. Then slowly turn your head and shoulders to one side. Turn as far as you can and you will feel the stretch in the rib area. Hold the end position for a count of two and then turn across to the other side and repeat.  Perform two sets of 10 repetitions each side.

Do not force any of these exercises and if you feel any discomfort stop.  Keeping your low back stretched will help you prevent some low back injuries but routine chiropractic visits with these stretches can help prevent the big injuries.  Of course injuries are inevitable but if your try to prevent the preventable ones you can eliminate a lot of pain from your life.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588


Get rid of your desk chair

If you sit for long periods in your day you already know it isn’t as great as it seems.  Sounds amazing but in reality, it creates more problems and pain.   As your chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I see tons of sitting related back pain.   A stability ball is a good alternative to the desk chair.   Plus, it helps keep up your core strength and helps with low back mobility.   Here are some benefits of the stability ball from the AFPA.

1.) Burn Extra Calories

As a personal trainer, you may not spend a large portion of your day sitting. However, many of your clients may sit for eight or more hours a day. That’s where you come in. While you probably focus on form and stance during each session, part of being a successful personal trainer is integrating your knowledge and expertise beyond the gym. You must be willing to go the extra mile and offer advice that your clients can take home with them. If your client is interested in replacing the office chair with a stability ball, remind him or her of the added bonus: extra burned calories.

2.) Relieve Back Pain

While you will have to focus on maintaining good posture while sitting on the stability ball, you won’t be as hunched over as you could be sitting in an office chair. But the truth is, sitting on a stability ball isn’t going to bring miracles or completely alleviate any pain you are experiencing. However, with regular exercise and stretching on a stability ball, you may be able to relieve some of the pain you are experiencing. We’ll take a closer look at those options below.

3.) Tone Core Muscles

While we already discussed the negative impacts that sitting in a chair can have on your core strength, did we mention that switching to a stability ball can also help you to sculpt and tone those stubborn abs and obliques? With a stability ball, you are no longer relying on the back of the chair to keep you propped up. Instead you must engage your core, which of course leads to an increase in your core strength. Looking for an extra challenge during the workday?

4.) Induce the Inspiration to Stretch

Maybe it’s just us, but it’s rather difficult as a trainer to sit on a stability ball without taking a break or two during the day to stretch out and relieve some tension. As we stated earlier in the post, the stability ball can relieve some strain you may experience in your back. It can also provide added support when you want to get a deeper stretch that you may not have been able to perform otherwise.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Mouse/Tennis Elbow

Elbow pain is commonly called tennis elbow.  But in recent years MOUSE ELBOW has taken it to a new level.  It is the same injury and affects people who have never held a tennis racket.  It is lateral epicondylitis and you get mainly from over use.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor has some information for you that may explain why your elbow hurts while you are scrolling through this blog.



The part of the muscle that attaches to a bone is called a tendon. Some of the muscles in your forearm attach to the bone on the outside of your elbow.

When you use these muscles over and over again, small tears develop in the tendon. Over time, this leads to irritation and pain where the tendon is attached to the bone.

This injury is common in people who play a lot of tennis or other racket sports, hence the name “tennis elbow.” Backhand is the most common stroke to cause symptoms.

But any activity that involves repetitive twisting of the wrist (like using a screwdriver) can lead to this condition. Painters, plumbers, construction workers, cooks, and butchers are all more likely to develop tennis elbow.

This condition may also be due to constant computer keyboard and mouse use.

People between 35 to 54 years old are commonly affected.

Sometimes, there is no known cause of tennis elbow.



Symptoms can include any of the following:

Elbow pain that gets worse over time

Pain that radiates from the outside of the elbow to the forearm and back of the hand when grasping or twisting

Weak grasp


Exams and Tests

Your health care provider will examine you and ask about your symptoms. The exam may show:

Pain or tenderness when the tendon is gently pressed near where it attaches to the upper arm bone, over the outside of the elbow

Pain near the elbow when the wrist is bent backward against resistance

An MRI may be done to confirm the diagnosis.



The first step is to rest your arm for 2 or 3 weeks and avoid or modify the activity that causes your symptoms. You may also want to:

Put ice on the outside of your elbow 2 to 3 times a day.

Take NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin.

If your tennis elbow is due to sports activity, you may want to:

Ask your provider about any changes you can make to your technique.

Check the sports equipment you are using to see if any changes may help. If you play tennis, changing the grip size of the racket may help.

Think about how often you play, and whether you should cut back.

If your symptoms are related to working on a computer, ask your manager about changing your workstation or your chair, desk, and computer setup. For example, a wrist support or a roller mouse may help.

A chiropractor can show you exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your forearm.

You can buy a special brace (night splint) for tennis elbow at most drugstores. It wraps around the upper part of your forearm and takes some of the pressure off the muscles.

Your provider may also inject cortisone and a numbing medicine around the area where the tendon attaches to the bone. This may help decrease the swelling and pain.

If the pain continues after 6 months of rest and treatment, surgery may be recommended. Talk with your orthopedic surgeon about the risks and whether surgery might help.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link


It is holiday time!  Which means normal stress gets escalated!  Either we are driving more which in this area is a complete nightmare.  Or we are having out of town guests.  Which can also be a nightmare!  Especially when they spend the first 40 minutes telling you how horrible their ride was.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor has some ways for you to deal with this extra stress.


Tips to Relieve Holiday Stress:

Go for a walk.

The rhythm of walking has a tranquilizing effect on your brain. Shoot for a brisk 20 minute walk each day.

Set a budget.

Overspending is one of the biggest causes of holiday stress. Remember, the best gift you can give anyone is your time and attention.

Get some sunshine.

There’s nothing like a little fresh air and the feel-good serotonin boost we get from the sun to give us a lift.

Stick with your daily routine.

Try to maintain your regular schedule as much as possible. Your body likes routine.

Get a good night’s sleep

It’s more important than ever to schedule enough time to get your zzz’s

Don’t over schedule

It’s okay to say “no” to events that aren’t important to you. Manage your time wisely and remember the time to relax is when you don’t have time       for it.

Stay well.

Though we can’t always dodge those winter germs, remind yourself and your family to take your vitamins and wash your hands.

Eat healthy.

Leave the belly to Santa. Don’t go overboard on sugary cocktails and party treats. Eat a balanced diet with lots of whole grains and veggies and drink lots of water.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Let go of the idea of a perfect holiday and enjoy the one you’re having. In the end, it’s all about spending time with the people you love.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Promise yourself more time to savor the best parts of the season and plan to have a worry-free, hurry-free, smile-filled holiday.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Getting the proper mattress

We all know a good night sleep is very important.  Getting that sleep is another thing!  We almost never have 8 hours but the precious time we do have for sleep should at least be comfortable.  If you have back, neck or shoulder problems I would advise seeing your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor.  I am sure I could help you but after that maybe it is your mattress.  Here are some tips to help you match your complaints to your mattress.  That may help you get even more relief.

Lower back pain: Patients suffering with low back pain (LBP) most often prefer beds that are firmer. One study purported that hard beds should be the first choice for LBP sufferers, but if that did not help, then they should try waterbeds. The recommendation is not that they should sleep on a rock-hard bed, but rather, that they need support. A firmer bed prevents the low back from sinking deeply into the bed and irritating the facet joints. Higher-end luxury beds can provide plenty of support along with comfortable padding, while lower-end discounted beds can provide the firmness, but with less comfort.

 Upper back and neck pain: Patients who are suffering from upper back and neck pain often prefer softer or plushier bedding. The plushier cushioning in the bed allows the head and thoracic area to sink into the bed to support the cervical area. A pillow-top mattress, or one with softer foams, padding and quilting, can be a good recommendation. There are also several types of pillows that can provide extra support for the neck.

 Arthritis and fibromyalgia: Patients suffering with multiple painful joints often prefer bedding with cushioning that disperses the weight across the greatest body surface. Frequently, such patients also have spinal complaints. Balancing cushioning with proper support for the spine requires a higher-end mattress. Since fibromyalgia is related to stress levels, it also is important to review pre-sleep rituals with patients to help relax them before going to bed.

 Stomach sleepers: Sleeping on the stomach in a soft bed can stress the thoracolumbar spine. The weight of the belly and pelvis also compress the bedding. To provide support to the stomach, pelvis and thoracolumbar areas, a firmer mattress is necessary.

 Side-lying sleepers: An estimated 73 percent of the population sleeps on its side.  Plush mattresses are often recommended to side-lying sleepers because they provide the best way to maintain the natural shape of the spine and the curves of the hips and shoulders while sleeping. Plush bedding will cradle the body and help disperse the weight of the body across the maximum surface area, instead of creating pressure points at the hips and shoulders. Special pillows also may be necessary to support the neck in a position parallel to the ground.

 Seniors: Most seniors grew up sleeping on extremely stiff beds, because that was what manufacturers made at that time. Having slept on firm mattresses their entire lives, many prefer firmer bedding, even if their health conditions indicate that plushier bedding would be better. Some education may be necessary to convince an older person of the need to change mattresses.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588


Winterize our bodies

We had a pretty mild summer for this area.  So based on that it has to be an extra cold winter coming!  We think about winterizing our boats, RV’s and cars but never our bodies.  With winter coming your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor wants to share a great article with you about winterizing our bodies.

Winter is inevitable, and the cold weather that it brings allows for a countless number of both flus and sicknesses. The winter months ensure shorter days, less fresh food and a reduction in the opportunities for outdoor recreation and fitness. Getting your body prepared for the winter months involves taking note of all of the things that winter takes away, and compensating for them accordingly.

It makes perfect sense to do your very best to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the cold months of the winter. The following three tips are designed to get your body in ripe condition to combat the cold, dark days of the winter:


Packing away your summer clothes while looking at a dark grey sky can bring on a serious case of the winter blues.

The winter blues are a form of seasonal defective order, this is where some people may experience depressive symptoms due to the change in seasons. Residents of the Nordic countries experience extreme cold and darkness, but the rate of seasonal affective disorder in these countries is significantly lower in comparison with other countries.

Studies have shown that this is down to the vital vitamins they obtain through the large volume of fresh fish that they consume.The fatty tissue found in fish provides a massive reserve of essential vitamins, A and D. If you’re not prepared to eat copious amounts of fresh fish, it is a good idea to stock up on some fish oil capsules in order to keep the dreaded seasonal defective disorder at bay.

As well as this, you should also consider taking a Vitamin B Complex, as well as a multivitamin which will provide you with important vitamins and minerals that the body needs to feel strong and rejuvenated. If you are in doubt as to what are the best vitamins to take during the winter months you should consult your local chemist will be able to advise you.


Keeping yourself hydrated in winter is a key element in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

The hot summer days force us to drink plenty of water and fluids, but this is not the case in winter and a lot of people seem to forget that the winter weather can be just as severe and dehydrating on the body. It is important that you keep yourself hydrated at all times during winter, and be watchful as to the amount of water you drink.


For many, the winter months symbolise hibernation as it’s not always easy to get outside and stay active when there are snow and ice on the ground. However, it is vital that you do your very best to fight the urge to stay cooped up inside beside the fire. The best way of doing this is to find suitable winter activities that are equivalent to your favourite summer ones.

Winter is a difficult time of the year, and it does require a certain amount of preparation in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. The three steps mentioned above will leave you more than ready for what the winter months will throw at you.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Knee pain and kids

Knee pain in kids can be very concerning.  Especially for the young athletes who see their favorite sports star go out with a knee injury.  Lots of time knee pain in kids comes on out of nowhere and usually isn’t associated with an injury.  Even though there isn’t an injury there is still a significant amount of pain and there are some things you can do about it.  Most common type of knee pain in kids is Osgood Schlatter’s disease.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor has some information about it that may help you deal with your knee pain.


Symptoms of Osgood Schlatters disease typically consist of pain at the tibial tuberosity or bony bit at the top of the shin. The tibial tuberosity may become swollen or inflamed and may even become more prominent than normal. Tenderness and pain is worse during and after exercise but usually improves with rest. The athlete is likely to experience pain when contracting the quadriceps muscles or performing squat type exercises.


Osgood Schlatter syndrome is primarily an over use injury although certain factors can increase the likelihood of sustaining this condition.

Age – It is more likely to affect boys aged around 13 to 15 years old than girls, although girls certainly can be affected and if they are it is more likely to occur earlier at about aged 10 to 12 years old. it is often put down to growing pains in knees. Obviously this is a general guide and ages can vary. It occurs due to a period of rapid growth, combined with a high level of sporting activity. Osgood Schlatter in adults can occur, especially if it has not been looked after during teenage years but is more unusual.

Activity – As the young athletes bones grow quickly, it can take some time for the muscles and tendons to catch up. These changes result in a pulling force from the patella tendon, on to the tibial tuberosity at the top of the shin. This area then becomes inflamed, painful and swollen. This is frequent in younger people because their bones are still soft and are not yet fully grown. It is seen more often in children involved with running and jumping activities which put a much greater strain on the patella tendon.

Osgood Schlatter Treatment

Treatment for Osgood Schlatters disease consists of reducing pain and inflammation by applying the PRICE principles of protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation along with longer term managing the condition through training modification and educating the athlete or parent until the young athlete grows out of it.

Apply a cold therapy and compression wrap to the knee regularly throughout the day to reduce pain and inflammation and particularly following activity or sport. Ice should be applied at least three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. If it is particularly painful then ice can be applied for 10 minutes every hour. Ice massage with an ice cube is also a convenient way to apply cold therapy to a specific area such as the patella tendon. Keep the ice moving as applying directly to the skin can cause ice burns.

Rest is the most important element of treatment. Only do as much exercise as it will allow without causing pain. Weight bearing exercise will make Osgood Schlatters disease worse. Keep your sessions few and high quality rather than training every day.

Use a patella knee strap or patella tendon taping technique to help reduce the tension on and support the knee. A patella strap or taping can absorb some of the shock or impact and change the angle the forces are transmitted through the tendon.

A Doctor may prescribe NSAID’s or anti inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen to help reduce pain and inflammation, although this is not good to rely on long term, or mask how bad the condition actually is. Athletes with asthma should not take Ibuprofen.

Once normal daily activities are pain free then gentle stretching exercises may be beneficial along with massage for the quadriceps muscles and myofascial release techniques to help stretch the muscles can help ensure they are strong enough to cope with the loads placed on them as well as not being too tight.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Chiropractic and Children

There really is no starting age for getting adjusted.  I get asked all the time if I adjust children.  That seems like a logical question since I way 200 lbs and sometimes have to put a significant amount of pressure on some vertebrae to move them.  Rest assured child adjusting is drastically different than adjusting a 250lb man who does construction for a living.  As you Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I want to give you some information that will help you understand the benefits of child adjusting.

According to Dr. David Sackett, the father of evidence-based medicine, there are three prongs to the evidence-based decision: clinical expertise, scientific research and patient preference. While chiropractic has more than 100 years of clinical expertise from which to draw, our profession is still quite young when it comes to its base of scientific research—a state that is even more so for one of our youngest subspecialties, chiropractic pediatrics. Dedicated researchers are working hard to fill in these gaps.  Recent studies are beginning to confirm what our century of clinical experience has already shown—that chiropractic care for children is not only safe, but also effective for a variety of pediatric conditions.

Dr. Joyce Miller and her colleagues at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in the U.K. have contributed much to our knowledge of chiropractic pediatrics in the past few years. Here is a brief summary of some of their latest studies:

Safety study: Miller et al. examined 781 pediatric patients under three years of age (73.5 percent of whom were under 13 weeks) who received a total of 5,242 chiropractic treatments at a chiropractic teaching clinic in England between 2002 and 2004.¹ There were no serious adverse effects (reaction lasting >24 hours or needing hospital care) over the three-year study period. There were seven reported minor adverse effects, such as transient crying or interrupted sleep.

Nursing study: Miller et al. also performed a clinical case series of chiropractic care for 114 infants with hospital- or lactation-consultant-diagnosed nursing dysfunction.² The average age at first visit was three weeks. All infants in the study showed some improvement, with 78 percent able to exclusively breastfeed after two to five treatments within a two-week period.

Colic: Browning et al. performed a single-blinded randomized comparison trial of the effects of spinal manipulative therapy and occipito-sacral decompression therapy on infants with colic.³ Forty-three infants younger than eight weeks of age received two weeks of chiropractic care. Two weeks and four weeks after beginning treatment, the infants in both treatment groups cried significantly less and slept significantly more than prior to receiving chiropractic care.

Long-term sequelae of colic: Research has shown that children who were colicky as infants suffer from poor behavior and disturbed sleep as toddlers. Miller et al. performed a survey of parents of 117 such toddlers who had received chiropractic care as infants vs. 111 who had not received chiropractic care.4 They found the treated toddlers were twice as likely not to experience long-term sequelae of infantile colic, such as temper tantrums and frequent nocturnal waking. In other words, colicky infants who had received chiropractic care were twice as likely to sleep well and to experience fewer temper tantrums in their toddler years.

That is just a sampling of some of the great work that is being done by the dedicated and hard-working researchers focusing on chiropractic pediatrics.


  1. Miller JE, Benfield K. Adverse effects of spinal manipulation therapy in children younger than 3 years: a retrospective study in a chiropractic teaching clinic. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008;31(6):419-422.
  2. Miller JE, Miller L, et al. Contribution of chiropractic therapy to resolving suboptimal breastfeeding: A case series of 114 infants. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(8):670-674.
  3. Browning M, Miller JE. Comparison of the short-term effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation and occipito-sacral decompression in the treatment of infant colic: A single-blinded, randomised, comparison trial. Clinical Chiropractic 2008;11(3):122-129.
  4. Miller JE, Phillips HL. Long-term effects of infant colic: a survey comparison of chiropractic treatment and non-treatment groups. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(8):635-638.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Fibromyalgia diagnosis

Fibromyalgia used to be one of those diagnoses that was just thrown around because no one knew how to treat it.  Over the years more information has come out and better treatments have been developed.  One treatment that has always done well is chiropractic care.  As a Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I see my fair share of fibromyalgia patients.  Here is some great information to help you better understand fibromyalgia and before trying some of the new drugs on the market consult your chiropractor about it.

Fibromyalgia is typically diagnosed in patients with:

Widespread pain in all 4 quadrants of the body for a minimum of 3 months; and

Tenderness or pain in at least 11 tender points when pressure is applied. These tender points cluster around the neck, shoulder, chest, hip, knee, and elbow regions.

Some fibromyalgia experts say, however, that many people may still have fibromyalgia with fewer than 11 tender points if they have widespread pain and several other common symptoms, including:


Sleep disorders

Chronic headaches

Dizziness or lightheadedness

Cognitive or memory impairment

Malaise and muscle pain after exertion

Jaw pain

Morning stiffness

Menstrual cramping

Irritable bowels

Numbness and tingling sensations

Skin and chemical sensitivities

Correct Diagnosis Is Key

Correct diagnosis of fibromyalgia is very elusive, so if you are diagnosed with the disorder—or suspect that you have it—seek the opinion of more than 1 health care provider. Other conditions may create fibromyalgia—like pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. Ruling other conditions out first is very important.


In addition to clinical evaluation that will assess possible causes of your pain, your doctor may need to order blood work to determine if you have:



Lyme disease

Other rheumatic diseases

Hormonal imbalances

Allergies and nutritional deficiencies

Disorders that cause pain, fatigue, and other fibromyalgia-like symptoms.

If the tests show that you have 1 of these conditions, treatment will focus on addressing that problem first. If your pain is caused by a muscle or joint condition, chiropractic care may help relieve it more effectively than other therapies.

Treatment Alternatives

If no underlying cause for your symptoms can be identified, you may have classic fibromyalgia. The traditional allopathic approach includes a prescription of prednisone, anti-inflammatory agents, antidepressants, sleep medications, and muscle relaxants. These temporarily relieve the symptoms, but they do produce side effects. If you prefer a natural approach, the following suggestions may be helpful:

Studies have shown that a combination of 300 to 600 mg of magnesium per day, along with malic acid, may significantly reduce may significantly reduce the number of tender points and the pain felt at those that remain. B vitamins may also be helpful.

Eating more omega-3 fatty acids and fewer saturated fats has shown promise in fibromyalgia patients. Limit red meat and saturated fats and increase the amounts of omega-3 fatty acids by including fish, flax, and walnut oils in your diet. Fatty acid deficiencies can interfere with the nervous system and brain function, resulting in depression and poor memory and concentration.

Improving the quality of sleep can help reduce fatigue. Watch your caffeine intake, especially before going to bed. Reduce TV and computer time. If you watch TV in the evening, choose relaxing, funny programs instead of programs with violent or disturbing content. Ask your doctor of chiropractic for other natural ways to help you sleep better.

Stress-managing strategies can also help address anxiety or depression issues. Cognitive therapy has been shown helpful in relieving fibromyalgia patients’ negative emotions and depression by changing their perception of themselves and attitudes toward others.

A traditional gym-based or aerobic exercise program may exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms and is not recommended. Instead, yoga, Pilates, or tai chi—which offer mild stretching, relaxation, and breathing techniques—may work better than vigorous exercise.

Studies have shown that acupuncture is another effective, conservative approach to treating fibromyalgia symptoms and many doctors of chiropractic offer this service right in their offices.

Chiropractic care has consistently ranked as one of the therapeutic approaches that offer the most relief for the fibromyalgia patient. Your doctor of chiropractic can also include massage therapy, ultrasound and electrical stimulation in the treatment program, which may help relieve stress, pain, and other symptoms.

Your doctor of chiropractic has the knowledge, training, and expertise to help you understand your problem and, in many cases, to manage it successfully. Remember, however, that the treatment program can be successful only with your active participation. If your doctor of chiropractic feels that he or she cannot help you, you will be directed to another health care provider.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

DIY ice pack

Last week I nagged you about ice and when and how to use it.  Hopefully it all made sense.  Now we are at the excuse making point in our discussion on ice.  No Doc, I didn’t ice.  I don’t have and ice pack!  What can I use for ice?  Would ice cubes work?  Trust me I have heard it all.  I get it, ice doesn’t feel good let alone sound like an awesome idea to do to your low back.  But it works!  As your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I am eliminating one of your excuses.




Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link