Weekend sports stars!

Well summer is here and time for the weekend sports to begin!  Which means tons of new injuries.  As your chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I encourage getting out there from an overall health stand point.  Of course, getting injured is a bad idea. So, here are some tips to help you prevent injury.


Anyone who concentrates all their exercise into 1 or 2 intense bouts a week could be considered a weekend warrior. But physicians agree that weekend warriors tend to be men older than 30, especially former competitive athletes who expect their bodies to adapt to—and recover from—activity the same way it did when they were teenagers.

But even people who are not super athletes can suffer injuries if they do intense activities over the course of a day or two, such as a weekend of yard work or cleaning gutters.


The types of injuries that frequently occur for weekend warriors are:

Muscle strains, such as hamstring injuries

Ligament sprains, particularly ankle sprains

Tendonitis in the Achilles tendon and elsewhere

Shin splints

Shoulder or rotator cuff injuries


Nearly all of these types of injuries can be resolved by following the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate) protocol. If pain lasts longer than a few weeks or doesn’t improve, make an appointment to see your doctor.


Prevent injuries before they occur

The main trigger for weekend warrior injuries is the abrupt transition from little or no activity to intense bouts of it. Muscles and soft tissues need gradual conditioning to perform at their best.

To prevent this, it’s important to exercise more regularly, if possible. Even if your main period of activity is on the weekends, try to fit in at least 1 or 2 periods of exercise on weekdays.


Build up activity slowly.

If you’ve been inactive for most of the winter or you’re starting training for a marathon in the fall, gradually increase your exercise time and intensity each week.


Warm up.

Before you jump into activity, warm up your muscles with 10 minutes of moderately paced activity like jogging, for example.



After doing a few minutes of light exercise, stretch your major muscle groups, such as your quads and hamstrings, as well as any muscles that will be heavily used during your chosen activity. You can also benefit from using a foam roller before you stretch, which has been shown to increase flexibility and lessen post-exercise pain.


Don’t forget to stretch after you finish exercising too. The findings about the benefits of pre-exercise stretching are mixed, but stretching after exercise has clear benefits for decreasing soreness and helping muscle tissue return to its normal state.


Use proper technique and proper equipment.

It may help to consult a coach, trainer, or physical therapist if you’re new to a sport or piece of equipment.


Find an exercise program.

A class or race training group can help you set a good pace for working toward your exercise goals.


Don’t push through serious pain.

Mild muscle soreness is normal after a workout, but stop exercising if you experience sudden, piercing pain or if you have pain that’s getting steadily worse.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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What to consider when buying new running shoes.

The difficult question everyone who works out eventually has to ask themselves….  Is it time to get new workout shoes?  I think everyone who has faced this dilemma knows that by the time you are thinking about your shoes, it is too late.  I know it sucks spending another $120.00 or more on a good pair of shoes isn’t what you wanted but your back, knees and ankles will thank you.  Here are some tips from your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor on buying running/exercise shoes.

How to Select Athletic Shoes

Too many people choose fashion over function when purchasing athletic shoes, not realizing that poor-fitting shoes can lead to pain throughout the body. Because footwear plays such an important role in the function of bones and joints—especially for runners and other athletes—choosing the right shoe can help prevent pain in your back, hips, knees, and feet.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the very best athletic shoe—every pair of feet is different, every shoe has different features, and overall comfort is a very personal decision. For this reason, it is recommended that you first determine your foot type: normal, flat, or high-arched.

The Normal Foot

Normal feet have a normal-sized arch and will leave a wet footprint that has a flare, but shows the forefoot and heel connected by a broad band. A normal foot lands on the outside of the heel and rolls slightly inward to absorb shock.

Best shoes: Stability shoes with a slightly curved shape.

The Flat Foot

This type of foot has a low arch and leaves a print that looks like the whole sole of the foot. It usually indicates an over-pronated foot—one that strikes on the outside of the heel and rolls excessively inward (pronates). Over time, this can cause overuse injuries.

Best shoes: Motion-control shoes or high-stability shoes with firm midsoles. These shoes should be fairly resistant to twisting or bending. Stay away from highly cushioned, highly curved shoes, which lack stability features.

The High-Arched Foot

The high-arched foot leaves a print showing a very narrow band—or no band at all—between the forefoot and the heel. A curved, highly arched foot is generally supinated or under-pronated. Because the foot doesn’t pronate enough, usually it’s not an effective shock absorber.

Best shoes: Cushioned shoes with plenty of flexibility to encourage foot motion. Stay away from motion-control or stability shoes, which reduce foot mobility.

When determining your foot type, consult with your doctor of chiropractic. He or she can help determine your specific foot type, assess your gait, and then suggest the best shoe match.

Shoe Purchasing Tips

Consider the following tips before you purchase your next pair of athletic shoes:


  • Match the shoe to the activity. Select a shoe specific for the sport in which you will participate. Running shoes are primarily made to absorb shock as the heel strikes the ground. In contrast, tennis shoes provide more side-to-side stability. Walking shoes allow the foot to roll and push off naturally during walking, and they usually have a fairly rigid arch, a well-cushioned sole, and a stiff heel support for stability.
  • If possible, shop at a specialty store. It’s best to shop at a store that specializes in athletic shoes. Employees at these stores are often trained to recommend a shoe that best matches your foot type (shown above) and stride pattern.
  • Shop late in the day. If possible, shop for shoes at the end of the day or after a workout when your feet are generally at their largest. Wear the type of socks you usually wear during exercise, and if you use orthotic devices for postural support, make sure you wear them when trying on shoes.
  • Have your feet measured every time. It’s important to have the length and width of both feet measured every time you shop for shoes, since foot size often changes with age and most people have 1 foot that is larger than the other. Also, many podiatrists suggest that you measure your foot while standing in a weight bearing position because the foot elongates and flattens when you stand, affecting the measurement and the fit of the shoe.
  • Make sure the shoe fits correctly. Choose shoes for their fit, not by the size you’ve worn in the past. The shoe should fit with an index finger’s width between the end of the shoe and the longest toe. The toe box should have adequate room and not feel tight. The heel of your foot should fit snugly against the back of the shoe without sliding up or down as you walk or run. If possible, keep the shoe on for 10 minutes to make sure it remains comfortable.

How Long Do Shoes Last?

Once you have purchased a pair of athletic shoes, don’t run them into the ground. While estimates vary as to when the best time to replace old shoes is, most experts agree that between 300 and 500 miles is optimal. In fact, most shoes should be replaced even before they begin to show signs of moderate wear. Once shoes show wear, especially in the cushioning layer called the midsole, they also begin to lose their shock absorption. Failure to replace worn shoes is a common cause of injuries like shin splints, heel spurs, and plantar fasciitis.


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Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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Weights or Cardio

In my search to find possibly lazier ways to work out I decided to check and see if lifting weights would burn more calories than cardio.  I determined this was based on how much I wanted to lie to myself about the effort I put in.  It is an accepted fact that running a mile burns 100 calories.  So, say you did 6 miles in an hour you burned 600 calories.  Now let’s compare that to lifting weights.  Your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area has some information from Livestrong that helps clear this up.

Strength training, or resistance training, includes lifting free weights, using weight machines, working with resistance bands and performing body-weight exercises. Although this type of exercise doesn’t burn many calories, it keeps your muscles and bones strong and can increase your metabolism, which means you burn more calories throughout the day. A total-body strength-training workout at least twice a week is vital for maintaining overall health.

Calories Burned

Most strength-training workouts burn only a modest amount of calories compared to aerobic activities. Half an hour of moderate weightlifting burns 112 calories if you weigh 155 pounds and 133 calories if you’re 185 pounds, according to the Harvard Medical School. Vigorous weightlifting burns 223 calories for a 155-pound person and 266 calories for a 185-pound person. Half an hour of body-weight exercises like pushups and pullups burn 167 calories if you weigh 155 pounds and 200 calories if you weigh 185 pounds. Perform these at a more vigorous intensity and you can burn 298 calories at 155 pounds and 355 calories at 185 pounds.

Heavier Weights

Lifting weights just 5 to 10 percent heavier than the ones you currently use may help you burn 500 to 600 more calories per strength training session. Heavier weights with which you can perform only 6 to 8 repetitions are a better option than light weights with which you can perform 12 to 15 repetitions. Using heavier weights boosts your metabolism more post-workout than using light weights.

Compound Exercises

Compound exercises, which involve multiple joints, burn more calories than isolation exercises involving just one joint, such as biceps curls. Compound exercise options include pushups, pullups, barbell squats, lunges, bench presses, military presses and deadlifts. Ideally, aim to involve as many muscles as you can in each exercise. For example, you might perform a body-weight squat with a bicep curl.

Circuit Training

A circuit-training routine that combines strength training and cardiovascular exercise can increase your calorie-burning rate. This type of circuit training involves alternating between strength training and cardiovascular exercise with no rest between each exercise. You might do strengthening for one minute then cardio for one minute. Or complete a circuit of five or six strength-training exercises, do high-intensity cardio for one to five minutes, then repeat the strength-training circuit. Always start your workout with a cardiovascular warm-up of at least five minutes.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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Ready for Winter?

Thank God summer looks to be over!  For me it can’t get cold fast enough!  That being said we need to start looking at ways to get our bodies ready for winter!  I know I am looking forward to laying on the couch going “Man, I would love to do blah blah but it is too cold”.   As your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor I want to share this information on how to get your body winterized for winter.

Winter is inevitable, and the cold weather that it brings allows for a countless number of both flus and sicknesses. The winter months ensure shorter days, less fresh food and a reduction in the opportunities for outdoor recreation and fitness. Getting your body prepared for the winter months involves taking note of all of the things that winter takes away, and compensating for them accordingly.

It makes perfect sense to do your very best to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the cold months of the winter. The following three tips are designed to get your body in ripe condition to combat the cold, dark days of the winter:


Packing away your summer clothes while looking at a dark grey sky can bring on a serious case of the winter blues.

The winter blues are a form of seasonal defective order, this is where some people may experience depressive symptoms due to the change in seasons. Residents of the Nordic countries experience extreme cold and darkness, but the rate of seasonal affective disorder in these countries is significantly lower in comparison with other countries.

Studies have shown that this is down to the vital vitamins they obtain through the large volume of fresh fish that they consume.The fatty tissue found in fish provides a massive reserve of essential vitamins, A and D. If you’re not prepared to eat copious amounts of fresh fish, it is a good idea to stock up on some fish oil capsules in order to keep the dreaded seasonal defective disorder at bay.

As well as this, you should also consider taking a Vitamin B Complex, as well as a multivitamin which will provide you with important vitamins and minerals that the body needs to feel strong and rejuvenated. If you are in doubt as to what are the best vitamins to take during the winter months you should consult your local chemist will be able to advise you.


Keeping yourself hydrated in winter is a key element in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

The hot summer days force us to drink plenty of water and fluids, but this is not the case in winter and a lot of people seem to forget that the winter weather can be just as severe and dehydrating on the body. It is important that you keep yourself hydrated at all times during winter, and be watchful as to the amount of water you drink.


For many, the winter months symbolize hibernation as it’s not always easy to get outside and stay active when there are snow and ice on the ground. However, it is vital that you do your very best to fight the urge to stay cooped up inside beside the fire. The best way of doing this is to find suitable winter activities that are equivalent to your favorite summer ones.

Winter is a difficult time of the year, and it does require a certain amount of preparation in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. The three steps mentioned above will leave you more than ready for what the winter months will throw at you.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

New moms and exercise

After giving birth most new moms are anxious to get back to their old routines.  That is after the new baby gets some sort of a routine.  The biggest one I hear a lot of as your Woodbridge, Dale City VA area chiropractor is when can I start exercising.   You have to remember that giving birth is traumatic for the body.  One of the biggest things to remember is that if you lifted or ran blah blah, before you gave birth you shouldn’t attempt that right away after you gave birth.  Exercise people never quite grasp that concept… me included.  Here are the guidelines for returning to exercise for new moms from Fit Pregnancy.

  1. Starting Back Slowly

As a general rule, I recommend that women do not return to postnatal or mommy and me yoga until their bleeding has stopped. If a woman gave birth via cesarean section, she needs to wait 6 weeks before rejoining class. If you push yourself too hard in the beginning, then you can actually be setting yourself back from real recovery. That of course does not mean you need to be held hostage in your house for 6 weeks. A walk can be considered a good start to your road back!

  1. Watch For Your Bleeding to Stop

Once you do embark on some heavier activities, pay attention to signs from your body. Some women find that their bleeding that had tapered down starts to get heavier again, which is a sign that the body needs more time to heal.

  1. How Is Your Pelvic Floor?

Also, if the pelvic floor is weak, putting intra-abdominal pressure (like crunches, pilates or general ab work) can put too much pressure on the pelvic floor and inhibit healing or even lead to a chance of organ prolapse. One of the first forms of exercise you can start to incorporate daily can be a kegel routine, restrengthening or even re-familiarizing yourself with your pelvic floor muscles.

  1. Repairing Diastasis

It is very common that women experience a separation of the abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominals — aka the six-pack muscles. Your care provider can check this for you when you return for your six week check up. If it is severe enough, you may need to work with a physical therapist to help draw the muscles back together. So, when easing back to an abdominal workout, be mindful not to overdo it. In postnatal and mommy and me yoga, we focus more on plank pose and variations of plank instead of old fashion crunches. It is also advised not to do extremely deep twisting poses which can also inhibit the muscles from repair.

  1. Wiggly, Wobbly Joints

Relaxin, the hormone that is responsible for softening the ligaments and joints during pregnancy and childbirth, can stay in the body for up to six months postpartum. This can lead to wobbly, unstable joints and a loose pelvis. Again, just be mindful that the activity your choose is not too jerky in movement.

  1. Find All Sorts of Exercise!

You do not need to attend a scheduled class to start to return to a general fitness routine. As I mentioned earlier, walking is a great place to start: don’t discount walking as a gentle cardiovascular exercise! At one point, I was told to avoid higher impact cardio since I was healing from some pretty severe pelvic floor issues and was instructed to try swimming. Fortunately, I have been an avid swimmer for years, so it felt like a nice welcome back to exercise and rediscovering my body. The nice thing about swimming is that it is gentle on the joints and pelvic floor, and is great for strengthening the core and back muscles.

  1. Hydrate

Once you do start to ease back into your routine, please remember to hydrate well, especially if you are breastfeeding. If you are out for a stroll with your baby, put your water bottle in the cup holder as a reminder to drink often.

  1. Rest

At the end of every postnatal or mommy and me yoga class we incorporate a few restorative yoga poses and then savasana (corpse pose). Even though many new moms hear the old saying, sleep when your baby sleeps, very few (I believe) adhere to these wise words. So, including a few moments to simply relax post-workout can really help replenish you. If you are feeling rested and restored, you will have so much more to offer to those that need you.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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That time of year again

Warmer weather is looking like it is here to stay (minus this weekend’s snow) and we turn the clocks back…  So, the excuse list is getting shorter.  As your chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City Va area I see lots of patients wanting to get back to exercising.  It is always a good idea but you have to be smart about it. Here are some thing to consider before jumping back on the running path.


Question Yourself

What are your goals?

Lose weight… Increase cardio performance…   But if you’re of a certain age or have certain cardiovascular risk factors, you may need to see your physician before beginning a program that involves vigorous (as opposed to moderate) aerobic activity.


Here’s how exercise intensities are typically defined:



Something you can do for about 60 minutes.  Usually included in the 60 minutes is a slow gradual warm up leading to brisk pace.



Name says it all.  Usually after 20 minutes of this type of exercises fatigue starts to set in.  Heart rate and breathing significantly increased.

Are you planning to participate in vigorous activities and are a man over 45 or a woman over 55? You should receive a medical exam first. The same is true for individuals of any age with two or more coronary artery disease risk factors. If you’re unsure if this applies to you, check with your physician.


Now the standard questions you need to ask yourself:

A “yes” to any one of the following questions means you should talk with your doctor, by phone or in person, before you start an exercise program. Explain which questions you answered ‘’yes’’ to and the activities you are planning to pursue.


Have you been told that you have a heart condition and should only participate in physical activity recommended by a doctor?

Do you feel pain (or discomfort) in your chest when you do physical activity? When you are not participating in physical activity? While at rest, do you frequently experience fast, irregular heartbeats or very slow beats?

Do you ever become dizzy and lose your balance, or lose consciousness? Have you fallen more than twice in the past year (no matter what the reason

Do you have a bone or joint problem that could worsen as a result of physical activity? Do you have pain in your legs or buttocks when you walk?

Do you take blood pressure or heart medications?

Do you have any cuts or wounds on your feet that don’t seem to heal?

Have you experienced unexplained weight loss in the past six months?

Are you aware of any reason why you should not participate in physical activity?

If you answered “no” to all of these questions, and you passed the first round of questions, you can be reasonably sure that you can safely take part in at least a moderate-intensity physical-activity program.

But again, if you are a man over 45 or a woman over 55 and want to exercise more vigorously, you should check with your physician before getting started.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Safely start exercising

Keep this handy for January 2nd.  Coming from a person who wears drawstring scrub pants you have to watch it around the holidays.  That being said wait until after them to start exercising.  As your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA I have to give you some tips so you can start and exercise regime safely.


Before You Start an Exercise Program

Before you start an exercise program, there are a few things your need to figure out:


Question Yourself

What are your goals?

Lose weight… Increase cardio performance…   But if you’re of a certain age or have certain cardiovascular risk factors, you may need to see your physician before beginning a program that involves vigorous (as opposed to moderate) aerobic activity.


Here’s how exercise intensities are typically defined:



Something you can do for about 60 minutes.  Usually included in the 60 minutes is a slow gradual warm up leading to brisk pace.



Name says it all.  Usually after 20 minutes of this type of exercises fatigue starts to set in.  Heart rate and breathing significantly increased.

Are you planning to participate in vigorous activities and are a man over 45 or a woman over 55? You should receive a medical exam first. The same is true for individuals of any age with two or more coronary artery disease risk factors. If you’re unsure if this applies to you, check with your physician.

Now the standard questions you need to ask yourself:

A “yes” to any one of the following questions means you should talk with your doctor, by phone or in person, before you start an exercise program. Explain which questions you answered ‘’yes’’ to and the activities you are planning to pursue.


Have you been told that you have a heart condition and should only participate in physical activity recommended by a doctor?

Do you feel pain (or discomfort) in your chest when you do physical activity? When you are not participating in physical activity? While at rest, do you frequently experience fast, irregular heartbeats or very slow beats?

Do you ever become dizzy and lose your balance, or lose consciousness? Have you fallen more than twice in the past year (no matter what the reason

Do you have a bone or joint problem that could worsen as a result of physical activity? Do you have pain in your legs or buttocks when you walk?

Do you take blood pressure or heart medications?

Do you have any cuts or wounds on your feet that don’t seem to heal?

Have you experienced unexplained weight loss in the past six months?

Are you aware of any reason why you should not participate in physical activity?

If you answered “no” to all of these questions, and you passed the first round of questions, you can be reasonably sure that you can safely take part in at least a moderate-intensity physical-activity program.


But again, if you are a man over 45 or a woman over 55 and want to exercise more vigorously, you should check with your physician before getting started.




Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link


Stretching!  Who needs it, I hardly have enough time to do a workout let alone waste time with that.  Well that was 30-year-old me talking.  47-year-old me gets hurt putting on socks in the morning if I move to quick.  As your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA Area I am here to tell you that stretching is just as important as the exercises you do.  And as we get older is could be more important.

Most Americans understand that cardio exercises such as running, swimming or biking and weight lifting exercises such as the shoulder press, bicep curl and squat are essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Flexibility training and stretching, however, are often neglected. Flexibility is essential to protecting your body from injury, especially if you spend most of the day sitting in front of a computer.

Flexibility not only reduces stiffness in the body, but it also helps your body to pump blood to your muscles and nerves, helps alleviate the possibility of aggravating or reinjuring yourself if you have any musculoskeletal problems and helps maintain good range of motion of your joints.

Poor flexibility has been linked to general stiffness in the body and low-back pain in particular.

Dynamic Warm-Up

It’s important to warm up before attempting a walk, run or exercise program. To avoid injury caused by exerting cold muscles, try the following dynamic warm-up to increase your core temperature, muscle flexibility and heart rate.

Toe-touch. Standing straight up, hold your arms out directly in front of you and walk forward, kicking your legs up and trying to touch your toes to your hands without lowering your arms. Repeat 10-20 times for each leg. It’s OK if you can’t reach your hands when you first start out—just kick your leg up as high as it will go.

Inverted toe-touch. Standing straight up, lean forward and reach your arms down to the ground while you lift your right leg behind you. Keep your back straight and return to start. Repeat 10-20 times on each leg. Again, if you can’t reach all the way down to the ground, simply go as far as you can without losing your balance.

Knee hug. Standing up straight, bring your right knee to your chest and squeeze with your arms. Repeat 10-20 on each leg.

Lunge. Step forward with your left leg, bending your right knee until it touches the ground. Be sure that your left knee stays in line with your ankle. Repeat 10-20 times on each leg.

Groiner. Start off with a lunge with your left leg forward. Bring your left elbow down to meet your knee and then your ankle, sliding along the inside of your leg. Repeat 10-20 times on each leg. If you can’t get your elbow to touch your ankle just yet, that’s OK. You can start with simply bringing your elbow down to your knee and gradually progress to your ankle as you continue to incorporate these stretches into your everyday routine.

Stretches for Your Back

If you’re experiencing back pain or if you have a back injury, try these stretches to help facilitate movement in the affected muscle or joint. Stretches should be held for 15 to 30 seconds.

Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back with one leg straight out and one leg bent at the knee. Lift your straight leg up in the air. If you want, you can loop a towel or exercise band around your foot and gently pull the band toward your chest. Repeat three times on each leg.

Piriformis stretch. This can be completed either lying down or standing straight up. With one leg straight, pull the other knee into the chest toward the opposite shoulder. Repeat three times on each leg.

Cobra. Lying on your stomach, gently push your upper body off the floor, hold and then return to start. Repeat this stretch three times.

Consult your chiropractic physician prior to attempting any of these exercises or stretches and before starting any new exercise program. He or she can help you develop an individualized program and provide instruction on proper technique.

Quick Tips:

Never stretch a cold muscle (minimum of five minutes light jogging, biking, dancing, etc. before stretching)

Good form is extremely important when it comes to stretching – do not bounce!

Do not limit yourself to the exercises that you enjoy or that you are good at—make sure you are stretching all of your major muscle groups.

Your stretch point is the point at which you feel the stretch, but not pain.

Flexibility is unique to each individual. Do not try to mimic another person’s stretch point.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Proper Warm up

I usually try to get the patients in my Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractic office to start some type of exercise program.  Exercise is very important to keep the muscles supporting your back strong.  The routine doesn’t have to be crazy intense but it does involve getting out of your office chair.  The most important and often overlooked aspect of any routine is warming up.  Most of us go, ok I will do 45 minutes of exercise… than just start.  But to avoid injury you have to give yourself time to warm up before beginning the 45 minutes.  So yes give yourselves an hour!

Whether your workout plan is a bodyweight routine in the park or a 5K, warming up should be the first thing on the to-do list (after that pre-workout snack). But what’s the ideal way to warm up? Experts agree a warm-up should heat and loosen the body, and prepare the mind for action.  But there are a few moves you should avoid too.

The Need-to-Know

When it comes to strength training and a variety of sports, coaches often think of their warm-ups as training preparation—using techniques such as foam rolling and movement practice to get the gears aligned.

We perform optimally and better avoid injury after a warm-up that does what its name promises: warm us up.  And while a marathoner doesn’t warm up like a powerlifter (the same way an opera singer doesn’t warm up like a modern dancer), there could be some similarities.

For endurance or cardio routines, research shows a dynamic approach, including dynamic stretching—active range of motion movements that tend to be similar to what you’ll do in your workout, can improve performance.  Some experts even suggest performing a few short intervals of the planned exercise at a lower intensity (for example: brisk walking before running, or bodyweight squats before adding weight).

As for static stretching, leave it for the cool-down. Numerous studies have shown that it can hinder performance and increase the risk of injury.


Your Action Plan

Every warm-up will be different, depending on your fitness level and the goal of your workout. But as a jumping off point, start with these four basic goals for every warm-up, as outlined by the National Strength and Conditioning Association.


  1. Loosen up.

Warm your joints, muscles, and prep your body for exercise with mobility movements. If you’ve got one, now is also a great time for foam rolling. Start by rolling your back, then hit every section of the legs, glutes, and hip flexors.

  1. Get your heart pumping.

Increased heart thumping warms up your muscles and switches on your nervous system. Jog, slowly row, or ride a bike on low resistance. Just be sure you’re able to converse with your workout buddy (or sing along to your Spotify playlist).

  1. Do some dynamic stretches.

Stretch your warm muscles, but don’t hold it. Remember: Static stretching during a warm-up can actually hinder your performance.  Instead, do dynamic stretching, which involves continuously moving through a range of motion. For instance, you can make big arm circles in both directions, kick your legs forward, or simply touch your toes and then reach for the sky. The key is to not hold in any position.

  1. Practice.

Move through the exercises planned for that day’s workout at a lower intensity. Have a long, hard run ahead? Warm up with a few technique drills. Back squats? Start with bodyweight squats or by holding an empty bar. Practicing the movement patterns teaches muscle memory (a.k.a. neuromuscular adaptation) and continues to prepare your body for action.

Find an enjoyable warm-up and remember to listen to your body’s cues. Your warm-up should not fatigue you. After all, it’s only one aspect of the workout. And don’t forget to cool down at the end.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Get moving safely

Before you jump into a new exercise regime you need to work out in your mind a plan before you work out your body.  A lot of routines fail because people don’t think about what they want.  Just buy some shoes and go for a run or get a membership and just start.  Granted doing something is better than doing nothing but having a solid plan may make you more likely to stick with it.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor has some basic guidelines for you.

Before You Start an Exercise Program

Before you start an exercise program, there are a few things your need to figure out:

Question Yourself

What are your goals?

Lose weight… Increase cardio performance…   But if you’re of a certain age or have certain cardiovascular risk factors, you may need to see your physician before beginning a program that involves vigorous (as opposed to moderate) aerobic activity.

Here’s how exercise intensities are typically defined:


Something you can do for about 60 minutes.  Usually included in the 60 minutes is a slow gradual warm up leading to brisk pace.


Name says it all.  Usually after 20 minutes of this type of exercises fatigue starts to set in.  Heart rate and breathing significantly increased.

Are you planning to participate in vigorous activities and are a man over 45 or a woman over 55? You should receive a medical exam first. The same is true for individuals of any age with two or more coronary artery disease risk factors. If you’re unsure if this applies to you, check with your physician.

Now the standard questions you need to ask yourself:

A “yes” to any one of the following questions means you should talk with your doctor, by phone or in person, before you start an exercise program. Explain which questions you answered ‘’yes’’ to and the activities you are planning to pursue.

Have you been told that you have a heart condition and should only participate in physical activity recommended by a doctor?

Do you feel pain (or discomfort) in your chest when you do physical activity? When you are not participating in physical activity? While at rest, do you frequently experience fast, irregular heartbeats or very slow beats?

Do you ever become dizzy and lose your balance, or lose consciousness? Have you fallen more than twice in the past year (no matter what the reason

Do you have a bone or joint problem that could worsen as a result of physical activity? Do you have pain in your legs or buttocks when you walk?

Do you take blood pressure or heart medications?

Do you have any cuts or wounds on your feet that don’t seem to heal?

Have you experienced unexplained weight loss in the past six months?

Are you aware of any reason why you should not participate in physical activity?

If you answered “no” to all of these questions, and you passed the first round of questions, you can be reasonably sure that you can safely take part in at least a moderate-intensity physical-activity program.

But again, if you are a man over 45 or a woman over 55 and want to exercise more vigorously, you should check with your physician before getting started.




Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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