Feeling Dizzy!

Vertigo is definitely associated with an ear infection or and ear problem.  But it could also be a reason to see your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor.  Not because I can help your ear infection but because it could be coming from your upper neck.  So, if your ear has improved but your dizziness hasn’t it may be a good time to give us a call.

When someone experiences dizziness, also called vertigo, the whole world seems to spin out of control with the nearest solid object becoming a lifesaver.  Vertigo is a common complaint, especially after head and neck trauma. It may come from problems in the inner ear, or from disturbances in pathways in the nervous system.  The experience can be impact your whole world, causing nausea, vomiting, and sweating.

If you are having trouble with vertigo, your chiropractor may be able to help. In a recent report in Livestrong, chiropractic solutions are outlined.  Chiropractic manipulation can help solve vertigo:  “Your chiropractor will use manipulation targeting joints that are not moving properly. In the upper neck, faulty motion patterns create misinformation about body position and movement going from the joints to the brain. This type of vertigo, called cervicogenic vertigo, can be helped by chiropractic manipulation.”

Positioning Maneuvers: The inner ear houses the body’s true balance center, the vestibulocochlear system. This complex system of fluid-filled tubes lined with hair-like sensors provides information to the central nervous system about position and movement. In some individuals, debris may accumulate in there. If this debris settles on sensitive areas within the tubes, it may result in vertigo.

If the patient’s vertigo appears to be coming from the inner ear, a chiropractor may use the Epley Maneuver to reposition the debris to a more innocuous position.

Your chiropractor will have exercises to help too.  Exercises like the Brandt-Daroff technique have the person sit on the edge of a bed and flop first to one side, back upright, then to the other side at one-minute intervals. Tai chi exercise may also help as slow, controlled movements provide a safe way to focus on your body movements and balance.

Your chiropractor will discuss your diet and daily habits to pinpoint other reasons for vertigo. Tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and other substances that stimulate or depress the nervous system may become triggers. And non-prescription sleeping pills or antihistamines can spark dizziness. Your chiropractor may also suggest meditation, relaxation, or breathing techniques to regain control.

As you pursue diet, new daily habits, and relaxation techniques, be sure to discuss changes with your doctor to complete your health picture.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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