Chiropractic care is a great treatment for most joint and muscle complaints because it can accomplish the best result without the use of drugs. You should choose chiropractic treatment as an effective approach, before trying other treatments for joint, nerve, and muscle problems.
The first visit to our office will consist of completing the intake paperwork, which is available on the website. Following the paperwork a local examination of the complaint area consisting of orthopedic tests, neurologic tests and functional chiropractic tests. Once the complaint area has been examined and the disorder diagnosed a full body chiropractic exam will be performed. This is done to help access any compensations in the spinal column that may have occurred due to the complaint.
Treatment is usually given on the same day and could include electric stimulation, moist heat, traction, stretching or exercises. Once the muscles are relaxed, the area of complaint and any compensations will be corrected with chiropractic adjustments.
Patients will then be given home instructions which may include moist heat, ice or stretching.
Call your Chiropractor in Woodbridge now to schedule an appointment for a consultation, 703.730.9588
Dr Scott Doroski is one of the best Chiropractors in Woodbridge VA.
Visit us at our Woodbridge VA location:
3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102
Woodbridge, VA 22192
703 730-9588
If you have a question for Dr Scott Doroski he can also be reached by email at
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